Monday, April 13, 2009

Jaxson & Bantha

Jaxson is still a little under the weather a bit. Unfortunately he has had some belly problems since Friday so it's been a long couple days.

On to some fun pictures!

Jaxson went to the dog park, Lyon Oaks Bark Park, on March 21st for the first time, Here are the pictures from then:

At first he wanted to stay right by us and "checked in" with us A LOT

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But then he started to at least approach some dogs, even though he wasn't really sure how to get in on all the playing and fun
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But after about 2 hours of being there, Jaxson met Bantha and figured out how to play with groups of dogs
(Since Jax has played with Spencer, we know he knows how to play!)
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Jax was then significantly tired AND dirty
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We met up Saturday April 4th with Bantha's parents again, Sandi & Paul, so the two could play some more at the park and they had a great time again. Plus, Sandi & Paul are nice people, so it's a doubly good thing.


TreeLuvs said...

Jax is becoming such a handsome boy! lovely photos =o)